Twombly was able to take mundane articles, random pieces of wood, and doodle-like lines, elevating them to high art. I took this picture of salt stains on a car and dedicated it to his work.
Maybe it's when I grew up, maybe it's my years of being exposed to Abstract Expressionism, maybe it's just me. But I am super attracted to random shapes, lines, and textures. When these are the result of natural processes on man-made objects, all the better.
So it's no surprise I went through a time when I was assembling mundane objects to build into something that I would call art. Old biology transparencies, ignored slides, crumbling textbooks in the basement. All of these seemed to call out to be made into something more.
It's different from "re-using and recycling." Repurposing these unpresupposing materials is, I think, a thing of beauty and inspiration.
I don't see your beautiful salt stains as random at all: the process that created them is quite evident!